What Happens During Dental Exams And Cleanings?

What Happens During Dental Exams And Cleanings?

Nov 01, 2020

Dental exams and cleanings are straightforward, simple, and painless. However, many people are fearful and dread dental cleanings. Children, in particular, don’t like the prodding, strange sounds, and occasional jaw discomfort.

Knowing precisely what happens during dental cleanings and exams can help ease your child’s stress to help them enjoy minty-fresh results. Let us explain what happens during dental exams and cleanings to help you make your child feel comfortable during the procedure.

Physical Exams

The dentist near you in Milford, CT, begins the cleaning procedure by conducting a physical exam of your child’s entire mouth. The cleanings itself are performed by dental hygienists. Tiny mirrors are used by a dental hygienist to check around the child’s teeth and gums for signs of gingivitis or any other potential problems. If the hygienist detects any significant issues, they will call the pediatric dentist in Fairfield, to confirm it is okay to proceed.

Plaque and Tartar Removal

Using the tiny mirror for guidance and a scaler, the hygienist gets rid of the plaque and tartar around the gum line and between the teeth. The child will hear scraping sounds, which is quite familiar. The scraping sounds will be heard longer if the accumulation of tartar is higher in the mouth. Brushing and flossing are useful measures to prevent plaque from building and hardening into tartar. However, after it hardens, only big smiles pediatric dentistry in Milford, CT, can eliminate it. Therefore if your child is not enthusiastic about brushing and flossing, the teeth cleaning process is a lesson for them to begin doing so more often.

Cleaning with Gritty Toothpaste

Dental exams and cleaning in Milford, CT, or elsewhere always include cleaning with gritty toothpaste after the teeth are entirely tartar free. The cleaning sounds can scare your child, but it is a fantastic way to get a deep clean to remove any tartar left behind by the scaler. Professional cleanings use toothpaste smelling and tasting like regular toothpaste, often allowing patients to choose their flavor. However, the toothpaste is gritty and gently scrubs the teeth. When performed by the pediatric dentist near you, it is considered safe twice a year. However, it would help if you didn’t let your child be harsh with their teeth at home because they can wear down their tooth enamel.

Flossing Lessons

Whether your child flosses at home or not, the dental hygienist provides a flossing demonstration by getting deep between their teeth to locate potential trouble spots where bleeding may occur from the gums. A professional flossing session from the hygienist removes any leftover plaque and toothpaste from the earlier cleaning process.

Fluoride Treatments

Children are prone to tooth decay, and cavities and fluoride treatments are an excellent way to strengthen their teeth and prevent these problems from occurring. Fluoride treatments help the teeth battle cavities for several months.

Why Are Dental Exams and Cleaning Essential?

The ADA recommends dental exams and cleanings for everyone twice a year. The exams help dentists to identify issues in children’s mouths early to provide treatments and prevent the need for intensive procedures. Children are prone to tooth decay and cavities besides vulnerable to injuries that leave them with cracked and broken teeth. You may think your child maintains proper oral hygiene and does not have any issues in their mouth. However, dental problems like gingivitis can progress painlessly without exhibiting any signs until it is too late. The best way to have the issues identified early is to visit the pediatric dentist near you for dental exams and cleanings once every six months.

Do you think it is challenging to find time from your hectic schedule for the child’s cleanings and exams? Do not worry yourself about it because the dentist open on Saturday is available to examine and clean your child’s teeth in Orange CT, West Haven CT, Stratford CT, New Haven County, Hamden CT, Woodbridge, Bridgeport, Boston Post Road, and Fairfield. Taking your child to any one of the offices will ensure they get their teeth examined and cleaned to identify any issues they could be developing. The visit also helps you to prevent expensive treatments from pediatric dentists that will cost a lot more than a couple of hours on the weekend. If a stitch in time saves nine, you can believe a dental issue identified saves many teeth and money, especially for your child. Prepare yourself to take your child to the dentist this weekend to have a dental exam and cleaning and save yourself from unnecessary concerns.

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