IV Sedation Dentistry – What To Expect?

IV Sedation Dentistry – What To Expect?

Jul 01, 2022

Sedation dentistry is an instrumental part of dentistry, seeing the success of many long and intricate dental protocols. It entails using a sedative medication to calm patients and increase efficiency for dentists. The good news is that sedation dentistry in Milford, CT, has different types. The types allow dental experts to control the levels of sedation based on particular treatments.

What Is IV Sedation?

It is a type of sedation dentistry near you. It stands for intravenous sedation, which involves administering sedative medicine directly into your bloodstream through the veins. A dentist will locate a nerve in your arm and inject the anti-anxiety medication. (S)he will control the levels of the medicine traveling into your bloodstream, allowing for mild and moderate sedation. This type of sedation allows general and pediatric dentists near you to offer deeper levels of sedation than is typical with oral or inhaled sedation.

How Does IV Sedation Work?

The typical way of administering IV sedation starts with anti-nausea medication. The medication will help prevent vomiting when sedatives kick into your system. A dentist may also administer another medication to reduce saliva production. After that (s)he will inject the anti-anxiety medication into your bloodstream before performing any dental procedure.

Your typical response to the medication will be a relaxed, anxiety-free, and calm state of mind and body. The good news is that you will still be conscious during your treatment. It ensures that you can communicate with your dentist when prompted. However, some patients can fall asleep when they get to these levels of calmness.

How Quickly Does IV Sedation Begin to Work?

IV sedation is the quickest form of sedation because it administers the medicine directly into your blood. The drugs will start working in a matter of minutes. This type of sedation is ideal for dental emergencies where dentists need to work fast to cater to urgent oral problems.

What to Expect During the IV Sedation Procedure?

At Big Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we ensure to notify our patients of the expected experiences when under sedation. While patients often respond differently, some of the things you are likely to experience during IV sedation are:

  1. Slow and slurred speech. Although you may not notice changes in your speech, it will be evident to the listener that the sedative medication has kicked in when the pace of your speech changes.
  2. Poor movement and coordination – the good thing is you will not need to do much during your dental treatment.
  3. Calmness and relaxation – some patients will even start dosing off because of high relaxation. You may be among the patients that just remember feeling relaxed, then waking up, with no recollection of what happened in between those moments.

How Long Does IV Sedation Last?

The medication will be in your system as long as your treatment takes. The body will remain relaxed throughout the treatment, so you do not get overwhelmed with the details of your treatment, especially regarding duration and invasiveness.

How Does the Sedative Wear Off?

Unlike what some patients believe, you do not have to wait in the dentist’s chair until the medication wears off. A dentist will administer a different medicine to bring you out of sedation. The only drug that may need time to wear off is local anesthesia. It is often used alongside sedation dentistry to numb the mouth, rendering the procedure painless, depending on the type of treatment you undergo. Therefore, do not get worried about being too drowsy or groggy after your dental treatment.

Why Choose IV Sedation Over its Counterparts?

There are various benefits to IV sedation, including the following:

  1. It works very quickly – you will not even know when you stopped feeling anxious about your dental procedure.
  2. It can administer deep sedation – dentists use IV sedation to avoid general anesthesia, which is known to have several health risks.
  3. The dentist can monitor your vitals while treating your dental problem.
  4. It causes amnesia regarding the details of your treatment. If you are undergoing oral surgery, you will be happy to forget all the eventualities of your treatment. The goal is to avoid creating dental phobia that might impact your decision to seek treatment in the future.
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